Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lip Balm - smells so delicious you'll want to eat it

If you can't ingest it, you shouldn't put it on your skin. "Chapstick" brand lip balm contains 11 chemicals that have not been assessed for safety in cosmetic formulas. "Blistex" lip balm scores a 9 out of 12 in toxic parameters and contains two carcinogens with linkage to cancer.

Now I know if we were to avoid everything that "may lead to cancer" we would be living in a organic recycled bubble with no contact to the outside world, so let's not go on a crazy rampage here.

BUT! If you had the choice between

A. lip balm made in a factory with ingredients that you aren't really sure of, through a process that you don't really know by people (or machines) that you have never met...


B. lip balm made in your own kitchen with ingredients that you not only know but also are safe to eat, through a process that you can not only see but are completing with your own two trusted hands!

You're right... I would choose B also. Did you know that most chapstick companies put alcohol in their products? Alcohol draws the moisture out of your skin and brings it to the surface where the chapstick holds it in place until it evaporates. Then your lips end up dryer than they were before. Have you ever noticed that the more you use chapstick the more you need to use chapstick? Coincidence? I think not.

Here is my recipe for a fabulous smelling lip balm that is easy to make and not only feels great but heals chapped lips by adding moisture to the skin.

Home Made Lip Balm
2 teaspoons beeswax
2 teaspoons coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil
2 tablespoons sweet almond oil
2 drops peppermint essential oil

Place the beeswax, coconut oil, vitamin E oil, and almond oil in a small pot over medium heat. Stir until melted, then remove from heat. Slowly stir in the essential oil.* Slowly pour into a sealable, sterile glass container. Let it cool and solidify before using.

*I used peppermint essential oil because of the cooling effect on the skin and it's pain relieving qualities. You may substitute your own choice of essential oil for different a scent or healing properties. I also recommend Lavender essential oil for it's great scent but also fast and effective healing properties. 

*Make sure you use a therapeutic grade essential oil that is safe to use topically but also safe to ingest. A lot of essential oil companies warn you to not ingest their product, this oil is not therapeutic grade and therefor not safe to use for anything other than aromatherapy. I use Young Living essential oils because they have 100% therapeutic grade oils confirmed with their "seed to seal" promise.

I hope you love this lip balm, I use it every day! It feels so good and smells so tasty! Let me know if you try it, and if you add or alter any of the ingredients please share your experience in the comments below!! And, as always, please feel free to contact me about Young Living essential oils and how to order them with wholesale prices. 

Recipe inspired by The Home Apothecary

Have a wonderful day! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oil Pulling: Day One

What is oil pulling?
One of the oldest folk remedies around is oil pulling. The purpose? To take the toxins, bacteria, germs, and other bad stuff from the mouth and into the oil. 

Put a tablespoon of your choice of organic unrefined oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes. I used raw coconut oil is because it has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and enzymatic properties. This provides the added benefit of killing any unwanted bacteria that may be residing in the mouth.  Do not gargle and do not swallow the oil or you will put all those toxins right back in your body. When the 20 minutes are up, spit the mouthful into the trash, NOT the sink. Coconut oil hardens as it cools and will clog your pipes. After spitting out the mouthful of oil, brush and floss as usual. 

What are the benefits?
Oil pulling literally "pulls" out bacteria, toxins and parasites that live in your mouth or lymph system and cleanses the blood. It can also pull mucus from your throat and sinuses, which is great news considering we are diving nose first into allergy season. Oil putting is not only a great detox, but it will whiten your teeth and strengthen your gums as it removes plaque. 

When should you oil pull?
Oil pulling can be done at any time of the day, but for a more thorough detox, its best to do this in the morning, before eating or drinking. You will probably start to notice small differences right away but it might take a week before you see any big changes.

My experience - Day One
I had read some testimonials about people getting headaches while oil pulling, gagging, or even throwing up! So you can imagine why I braced myself for the worst as I put my first tablespoon of coconut oil in my mouth. It definitely took me a few seconds to adjust to the consistency as the oil melted from a solid to a liquid, but after a minute or two it really wasn't that bad. 15 minutes into the swishing the mouthful started to feel hot and taste bad (most likely the toxins) but there was no gagging of any kind. After I spit it out into the trash, I rinsed with water and then brushed my teeth as normal. 
I don't feel any less congested, but my throat doesn't hurt anymore from post nasal drip. And my mouth? Has never felt cleaner! I will definitely be doing this again.

Please let me know if you have tried oil pulling and what your experience was!

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